序号 | 系 | 发表日期 | 论文题目 | 作者 | 发表刊物 | 级别 |
1 | 国贸 | 2011.7 | 中国就业与经济增长关系分析 | 卞纪兰,赵桂燕 | 生产力研究 | 国家级 |
2 | 国贸 | 2011.8 | International Competitive Factors of China"s Major Agricultural and Promotion Strategies | 潘权富 | The 5th International Conference on Management and Service Science ??MASS 2011?? | EI会议 |
3 | 国贸 | 2011.5 | 山东省经济增长与环境污染水平关系的计量研究 | 董大朋(第二作者) | 地域研究与开发 | CSSCI |
4 | 国贸 | 2012.1 | 地方考察域的农村剩余劳动力转移因素的实证检验 | 任妍,章磷 | 求索 | CSSCI |
5 | 国贸 | 2011.8 | 黑龙江省农产品实施品牌战略的现状分析 | 赵桂燕、卞纪兰、杨树果 | 现代商业 | 省级 |
6 | 国贸 | 2011.3 | 谈黑龙江省农产品品牌营销策略 | 卞纪兰 | 中国农垦 | 省级 |
7 | 国贸 | 2011.2 | 大庆城市可持续发展的优势因子分析 | 卞纪兰 | 73882必赢网页版学报 | 省级 |
8 | 国贸 | 2011 | Effect on Germination and Growth of Soybean Seed after Laser Radiation | 李微 | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 省级 |
9 | 国贸 | 2011.4 | Study on the countermeasures for the development of heilongjiang service outsourcing industry | 杨学丽 | 2011 International Symposium on Applied Economics, Business and Development??ISAEBD2011?? | EI检索,检索编号:20113814349371 |
10 | 农林 | 2011.6 | 基于多元线性回归的城乡居民收入差距实证研究—以黑龙江为例 | 翟绪军、尚杰 | 生产力研究??CSSCI收录?? | 国家级 |
11 | 农林 | 2010.7 | Integrated Evaluation PPC Model of Agricultural Circular Economy In the Perspective of Ecological Restoration | 翟绪军、尚杰 | Environment Materials and Environment Management | EI检索 |
12 | 农林 | 2010.1 | An Empirical Study on the optimization Capacity of farmers income increasing Based on partial least-squares regression Model——Take Heilongjiang Reclamation Area for Example | 翟绪军、尚杰 | The International Conference on E-Product,E-Service and E-Entertainment | EI检索 |
13 | 农林 | 2010.7 | Evaluations of factors influencing the income increasing of the farmers in Heilongjiang reclamation area based on projection pursuit model. | 翟绪军 | Environment Materials and Environment Management | EI检索 |
14 | 农林 | 2011 | An Empirical Study of Constructing Index System of Tour Guide’s Compensation and Motivation Effect | 杨延娇 | ICMIE 2011 | |
15 | 农林 | 2011.1 | 基于可视化技术的国际智能感知前沿热点研究 | 尹丽春,崔立彬 | 八一农垦大学学报 | |
16 | 农林 | 2011.6 | 北美新一代合作社经验对中国林业合作社发展的启示 | 马玉波 | 林业经济问题 | 国家级 |
17 | 农林 | 2011.6 | 养殖型渔业专业合作社发展问题研究 | 马玉波 | 中国渔业经济 | 国家级 |
18 | 农林 | 2011.8 | The Enlightenment for China by the Development of New Generation Cooperatives in North America. | 马玉波 | Advanced Materials Research | EI检索期刊 |
19 | 农林 | 2011.8 | 农产品价格炒作形成原因及预防措施研究 | 邢莹 | 73882必赢网页版学报 | |
20 | 农林 | 2011.3 | A Research of Performance Evaluation of Human Resources of Leading Agricultural Enterprises Based on the BAGA-PPC Model | 李玉明 | 20110913705393 | EI |
21 | 农林 | 2011.8 | Research on Relationship of Human Resource Exploitation and Regional Economy Development in Heilongjiang State Farms | 李玉明 | 20112914159103 | EI |
22 | 农林 | 2011.9 | Study on the Evaluation System and Promotion of Regional Independent Innovation Ability in Heilongjiang Province | 李玉明 | 20113614304476 | EI |
23 | 农林 | 2011.1 | Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Supermarket Chain Based on the DEA Method | 李玉明 | 20113814350067 | EI |
24 | 农林 | 2011.6 | 黑龙江垦区农业结构调整与农民收入增长的关系研究 | 李玉明 | 73882必赢网页版学报 | |
25 | 农林 | 2011.11 | Study on Supply Chain Performance Measurement System for Agribusiness | 李玉明 | | |
26 | 农林 | 2011.2 | 农民专业合作社职业经理的培育模式研究 | 程巍 | 73882必赢网页版学报 | |
27 | 农林 | 2011.4 | 专家系统的应用与推广的现实问题研究与建议 | 程巍 孙伟嘉 | 73882必赢网页版学报 | |
28 | 农林 | 2011.1 | 论我国粮食物流共同化体系构建 | 王新利 | 《中国流通经济》(CSSCI) | CSSCI |
29 | 农林 | 2011.2 | 农村剩余劳动力转移的影响分析 | 王新利、陈敏 | 《农业技术经济》(CSSCI) | CSSCI |
30 | 农林 | 2011.6 | 人力资源价值计量创新模式研究 | 王新利、李晓博 | 哈工大学报(人文社科版) | 省级 |
31 | 农林 | 2011.11 | 偏最小二乘BP神经网络在财务预警中的应用研究 | 王新利、陈敏 | 《农业技术经济》(CSSCI) | CSSCI |
32 | 农林 | 2011.9 | Agricultural Products Quality Cost-allocating Based on Supply Chain Management | 王新利、魏琼 | Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 115. Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering: Theory and Practice Volume 2 ISBN 978-3-642-25349-2 | 国家 |
33 | 人力 | 2011.3 | 浅析垦区人力资源规划的问题与对策 | 于波 | 商业文化 | 国家 |
34 | 人力 | 2011.5 | 基于跨越式发展需求的黑龙江垦区人力资源规划模型研究 | 宋淑丽 | 安徽农业科学 | 国家 |
35 | 人力 | 2011.9 | Research On Human Resource Plan Of Private Enterprise Based On Spanning Development Strategic | 宋淑丽 | | EI |
36 | 营销 | Oct-11 | Analysis of E-commerce Applications in Chinese Agricultural Development | 苍英美 | MSE2011会议论文 | ISTP |
37 | 营销 | 2011.8 | Research on Network Marketing of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises | 郝文艺 | The 5th International Conference on Management and Service Science??MASS 2011?? | EI检索 |
38 | 营销 | 2011.8 | Green Food Marketing Strategies Based On Consumer"s Behavior Influencing Factors Analysis | 郝文艺 | 2011 International Symposium on Applied Economics, Business and Development??ISAEBD2011?? | EI检索,检索编号:20113814349371 |
39 | 营销 | 2011.8 | 黑龙江垦区乳制品龙头企业营销渠道成员评价研究——基于完达山乳业的实证分析 | 姜法竹、王存 | 农业经济与管理 | 省级 |
40 | 营销 | 2011.7 | 畜产品价格上涨对黑龙江省物价的影响——基于投入产出价格波及效应模型 | 姜法竹、高昂 | 西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版) | “985”院校学报 |
41 | 营销 | 2011.7 | Early Warning System of Operational Risks in Listed Companies in China Based on BP Artificial Neural Network | 姜法竹、石坤、吴丹 | ADVANCES IN MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOIOGY,PT2, 5th International Conference on Management of Technology | 国家极 |
42 | 营销 | 2011.7 | Low-carbon Marketing Strategy Based on the SWOT | 姜法竹、石坤、吴丹 | International Conference of Marketing Science and Management Technology, | 国家级 |
43 | 营销 | 2011.8 | The impetus structure of China′s economic growth after the era of economic crisis | 姜法竹、石坤 | E-business and E-government ??ICEE2011?? | 国家级 |
44 | 营销 | 2011.1 | 基于BP 神经网络的我国石化类上市公司经营风险预警系统 | | 金融 | |
45 | 营销 | 2011.3 | 黑龙江垦区现代物流业SWOT分析与发展对策研究 | 杨树果 | 73882必赢网页版学报 | 省级 |
46 | 营销 | 2011.3 | 黑龙江垦区发展现代化大农业的优势效应分析 | 杨树果、高振 | 73882必赢网页版学报 | 省级 |
47 | 营销 | 2011.08 | 黑龙江省农业补贴政策的绩效分析刘志成,苍英美,郝文艺时代经贸 | 刘志成,苍英美,郝文艺 | 时代经贸 | 省级 |
48 | 营销 | 2011.08 | 我国财政补贴粮食生产绩效及资金整合研究 | 刘志成,史国君,王巍 | 中国证券期货 | 省级 |
49 | 营销 | 2011.09 | Service recovery strategies based on customer “second satisfaction” | 刘志成 | International Conference on Management and Science,MASS 2011. | EI检索,检索编号:20113814349991 |
50 | 物流 | 2011.1 | Under supply chain environment well drilling enterprise physicaldistribution ability analysis | 王丽娟 | 2011International Conference on Computer Science and Service Sytem??csss?? | EI检索,2827-2830 |
51 | 物流 | 2011-10-31 | 农产品供应链生产阶段发展循环经济微观经济组织评价指标体系构建 | 高艳 | 73882必赢网页版学报 | 省级科研 |
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